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Trova il tuo lavoro con Cesi Group

Ingenieur Elektrotechnik (m/w/d) (IPH) für Transformatoren

IPH GmbH a CESI Company
Germania, Berlino, Berlin - IPH GmbH a CESI Company
Industria elettronica/Automazione

Das IPH Institut "Prüffeld für elektrische Hochleistungstechnik" GmbH, das als Prüflabor der KEMA Labs zur CESI gehört, ist weltweit führend bei unabhängigen Prüf-, Inspektions- und Zertifizierungsaktivitäten in der Elektrizitätswirtschaft. Mit mehr als 90 Jahren Erfahrung ist CESI in 70 Ländern der Welt tätig und unterstützt ihre globalen Kunden bei der Bewältigung der Herausforderungen der Energiewende. CESI bietet auch Dienstleistungen im Bereich Bau- und Umwelttechnik an.     Ingenieur Elektrotechnik (m/w/d) für Transformatoren     Für unseren Standort in Berlin Marzahn suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Termin eine/n Qualitätssicherungsexperten (m/w/d) für Transformatoren.   Ihre Aufgaben: - Zusammenarbeit mit funktionsübergreifenden Teams, einschließlich Ingenieuren und Geschäftsleuten, um Antworten auf Probleme zu finden. - Leitung des Betriebsteams bei der Durchführung von Untersuchungen, der Behebung technischer Probleme und der Durchführung von Fehleruntersuchungen. - Dokumentation und Identifizierung der Fehlerursache, um Korrekturmaßnahmen einzuleiten, ein erneutes Auftreten zu verhindern und die Produktqualität und -zuverlässigkeit zu verbessern. - Teilnahme an Werksabnahmetests (FAT) und Standortabnahmetests (SAT). - Durchführung von Designprüfungen. - Beurteilung des Zustands der Transformatoren und Komponenten. - Zusammenarbeit mit den Abteilungen für Qualität, Gesundheit, Sicherheit und Umwelt (QHSE), um bei Untersuchungen und der Meldung von Fehlern, Nichtkonformitäten und Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten (OFIs) zu helfen. - Leitung forensischer Untersuchungen von Transformatoren und ihren Komponenten. - Verständnis der Degradations- und Versagensmechanismen, die auf technische Materialien anwendbar sind. - Effektive Kommunikation mit Kunden, bearbeitet Anfragen, stellt Updates bereit und sorgt für eine hohe Kundenzufriedenheit.   Ihr Profil: - Abgeschlossenes Studium im Bereich der Elektrotechnik oder einem verwandten Fachgebiet - Kenntnisse über die Konstruktion und den Betrieb von Transformatoren, Verständnis für den Hintergrund von Tests und Fehlermodi. - Gute Kenntnisse der Industriestandards und Vorschriften in Bezug auf den Betrieb und die Sicherheit von Transformatoren  - Bereitschaft zu Reisen für Inspektionstätigkeiten (FAT) und Felduntersuchungen. - Erfahrung mit Datenanalysetools und -software. - Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift. - Ausgeprägte zwischenmenschliche und kommunikative Fähigkeiten, mit der Fähigkeit, effektiv mit Kunden und Teammitgliedern zu interagieren. - Fähigkeit, gut im Team zu arbeiten und zu einem positiven und produktiven Arbeitsumfeld beizutragen. - Hervorragende Organisations- und Zeitmanagementfähigkeiten mit einem scharfen Auge für Details. - Ausgeprägte analytische Fähigkeiten und Problemlösungskompetenz.     Unser Angebot: - Interessantes Aufgabengebiet - Eigenverantwortung und Gestaltungsspielraum - Attraktive Vergütung - Gute Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten     Sie zeichnen Sie Sich durch ein hohes Maß an Engagement, Zielorientierung und Fleiß aus. An neue Aufgabenstellungen gehen Sie systematisch und kreativ heran. Sie besitzen eine lösungsorientierte und pragmatische Arbeitsweise und sind in der Lage, priorisieren zu können. Dabei hilft Ihnen Ihr Sinn für effiziente und effektive Lösungswege. Aufgrund Ihres diplomatischen Geschicks, Ihrer Überzeugungskraft und Ihrer ausgezeichneten kommunikativen Fähigkeiten fällt es Ihnen leicht, Ihre Mitarbeiter und Kollegen zu überzeugen.   Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Gerne senden Sie Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung inklusive Ihrer Gehaltsvorstellungen und Ihres frühestmöglichen Einstiegstermins über unser Karriereportal zu.   Für Fragen steht Ihnen Herr Claus Probe unter der Nummer +49 (0)30 – 54 96 0 – 430 oder unter zur Verfügung.  


Elektroniker / Industrieelektroniker (m/w/d) (FGH)

FGH GmbH a CESI Company
Germania, Baden-Württemberg, Mannheim - FGH GmbH a CESI Company
Industria elettronica/Automazione

Die FGH Engineering & Test GmbH, die als Teil der KEMA Labs zur CESI gehört, ist weltweit führend bei unabhängigen Prüf-, Inspektions- und Zertifizierungsaktivitäten in der Elektrizitätswirtschaft. Mit mehr als 90 Jahren Erfahrung ist CESI in 70 Ländern der Welt tätig und unterstützt ihre globalen Kunden bei der Bewältigung der Herausforderungen der Energiewende. CESI bietet auch Dienstleistungen im Bereich Bau- und Umwelttechnik an.     Elektroniker / Industrieelektroniker (m/w/d)     Für unseren Standort in Mannheim such wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine/n Prüffeldmechaniker: in.   Ihre Aufgaben: -       Einstellen und Betreiben der Prüfanlagen einzelner Prüfstände eines Prüffeldes bei der Durchführung von Prüfschichten -       Realisierung von Prüfaufbauten sowie Anschluss und Betreiben des Prüflings einschließlich Kontrollmessungen -       Ausführung grundlegender Mess- und Steuerungsaufgaben bei der Vorbereitung und Durchführung von Prüfschichten -       Ausführung von Arbeiten an den Prüfobjekten nach Kundenvorgaben -       Einfache Wartung und Instandhaltung der Prüffeldmesstechnik -       Kontrolle, Wartung und Instandhaltung aller Anlagenteile und Ausrüstungsteile der Prüfanlage -       Ausführung von Modernisierungs-, Reparatur und Erweiterungsarbeiten an den Prüfanlagen und Ausrüstungen -       Innerbetrieblicher Transport der Prüflinge und der Prüfausrüstung, einschließlich der Bedienung der festgelegten Flurförderzeuge -       Vor- und Nachbereitung der Prüflinge sowie Mitarbeit bei Hilfs- und Nebenprozessen    Ihr Profil: -       Abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung im Bereich Elektronik / Elektrotechnik (z.B. Industrieelektriker, Elektromonteur, Elektroniker, Betriebstechniker, Mechatroniker, oder vergleichbar (m/w/d)) -       Erfahrung im Bereich Hochspannung/Mittelspannung und deren Komponenten sind wünschenswert -       Gute Kommunikationsfähigkeit, Sozialkompetenz sowie Eigeninitiative -       Organisationstalent mit systematischer, analytischer und qualitätsorientierter Arbeitsweise -       Kenntnisse der englischen Sprache -       Kenntnisse in der Anwendung MS-Office-Produkte -       Führerschein Klasse B, C1, CE     Unser Angebot: -       Interessantes und vielfältiges Aufgabengebiet -       Eigenverantwortung und Gestaltungsspielraum -       Attraktive Vergütung -       Gute Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten   Sie zeichnen Sie Sich durch ein hohes Maß an Engagement, Zielorientierung und Fleiß aus. An neue Aufgabenstellungen gehen Sie systematisch und kreativ heran. Sie besitzen eine lösungsorientierte und pragmatische Arbeitsweise und sind in der Lage, priorisieren zu können. Dabei hilft Ihnen Ihr Sinn für effiziente und effektive Lösungswege.   Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt?   Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung inklusive Ihrer Gehaltsvorstellungen und Ihres frühestmöglichen Einstiegstermins senden Sie uns gerne über unser Karriereportal zu.   Für Fragen steht Ihnen Herr Claus Probe unter der Nummer 030 54 96 0 430 oder unter der E-Mail zur Verfügung.  


Elektriker / Mechatroniker (m/w/d) (IPH)

IPH GmbH a CESI Company
Germania, Berlino, Berlin - IPH GmbH a CESI Company

Das IPH Institut "Prüffeld für elektrische Hochleistungstechnik" GmbH, das als Prüflabor der KEMA Labs zur CESI gehört, ist weltweit führend bei unabhängigen Prüf-, Inspektions- und Zertifizierungsaktivitäten in der Elektrizitätswirtschaft. Mit mehr als 90 Jahren Erfahrung ist die CESI in 70 Ländern der Welt tätig und unterstützt ihre globalen Kunden bei der Bewältigung der Herausforderungen der Energiewende. CESI bietet auch Dienstleistungen im Bereich Bau- und Umwelttechnik an.     Elektriker / Mechatroniker (m/w/d)     Für unseren Standort in Berlin Marzahn suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine/n Prüffeldmechaniker/in für den Einsatz bei Vor-Ort-Prüfungen bei dem Kunden. Hierbei handelt es sich im Wesentlichen um Prüfungen an Hoch- und Höchstspannungskabelsystemen in Umspannwerken.   Ihre Aufgaben: -           Realisierung von Prüfaufbauten (Prüftechnik sowie Messtechnik) sowie Anschluss des Prüflings -           Ausführung grundlegender Mess- und Steuerungsaufgaben bei der Vorbereitung und Durchführung von Prüfschichten auf Anweisung des Prüfingenieurs -           Ausführung von Arbeiten an den Prüfobjekten nach Kundenvorgaben -           Wahrnehmung von Arbeitssicherheitsaufgaben während der Hochspannungsprüfung -           Einfache Wartung und Instandhaltung der Messtechnik -           Kontrolle, Wartung und Instandhaltung aller Anlagenteile und Ausrüstungsteile der Prüfanlage -           Ausführung von Reparaturarbeiten an der Prüfausrüstung -           Ausführung von Modernisierungs- und Erweiterungsarbeiten an den Prüfanlagen und Ausrüstungen -           Innerbetrieblicher Transport der Prüflinge und der Prüfausrüstung, einschließlich der Bedienung der festgelegten Flurförderzeuge -           Vor- und Nachbereitung der Prüfausrüstung sowie Mitarbeit bei Hilfs- und Nebenprozessen    Ihr Profil: -           Abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung im Bereich Elektronik / Elektrotechnik (z.B. Mechatroniker, Industrieelektriker, Elektromonteur, Elektroniker, Betriebstechniker oder vergleichbar (m/w/d)) -           Bereitschaft zu Dienstreisen (Schwerpunkt Deutschland und Österreich) -           Erfahrung im Bereich Hochspannung/Mittelspannung und deren Komponenten sind wünschenswert -           Führerschein Klasse B, C1, CE ist wünschenswert -           Gute Kommunikationsfähigkeit, Sozialkompetenz sowie Eigeninitiative -           Organisationstalent mit systematischer, analytischer und qualitätsorientierter Arbeitsweise -           Kenntnisse der englischen Sprache -           Kenntnisse in der Anwendung MS-Office-Produkte      Unser Angebot: -      Interessantes und vielfältiges Aufgabengebiet -      Arbeiten in einem erfahrenen Team -      Eigenverantwortung und Gestaltungsspielraum -      Attraktive Vergütung - Dienstrad Leasing -      Gute Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten   Sie zeichnen Sie Sich durch ein hohes Maß an Engagement, Zielorientierung und Fleiß aus. An neue Aufgabenstellungen gehen Sie systematisch und kreativ heran. Sie besitzen eine lösungsorientierte und pragmatische Arbeitsweise und sind in der Lage, priorisieren zu können. Dabei hilft Ihnen Ihr Sinn für effiziente und effektive Lösungswege.   Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt?   Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung inklusive Ihrer Gehaltsvorstellungen und Ihres frühestmöglichen Einstiegstermins senden Sie uns gerne über unser Karriereportal zu.   Für Fragen steht Ihnen Herr Claus Probe unter der Nummer 030 54 96 0 430 oder unter zur Verfügung.  


Internship - Enhancing Bid Discovery and Proposal Automation Using AI

Italia, Lombardia, Milano - CESI SpA
Ricerca e sviluppo

CESI Consulting: For over 30 years, CESI Consulting has been supporting governments, regulatory bodies, energy companies and private investors in the energy sector in addressing and overcoming the many challenges that the energy transition is posing everywhere. With over 50 countries in which it operates, CESI Consulting employs over 350 technicians and engineers to support the planning, design and management of the most innovative energy infrastructures of the future: the spread of new technologies such as electric vehicles, hydrogen, nuclear, AI, automation and offshore wind, as well as increasingly challenging environmental contexts such as the laying of submarine cables at ever greater depths and the cross-border connections of intelligent electricity networks between deserts, mountains and lakes require increasingly innovative approaches and increasingly brilliant talents.   Title: Enhancing Bid Discovery and Proposal Automation Using AI   Objective: The primary objective of this thesis is to develop and implement an AI solution to enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and overall effectiveness of bid discovery and proposal automation processes for CESI Consulting.   Scope Literature Review: - Review existing AI technologies and their applications in bid discovery and proposal automation. Requirement Analysis: - Understand CESI's business and ICT background. - Identify the specific requirements for the AI solution, including pre-trained models, integration with existing systems (e.g., Salesforce), and customizability. Design and Development: - Identify sources for bid discovery - Define key metrics to evaluate the success of the AI solution (eg. bid discovery accuracy, proposal quality, efficiency improvement, and user satisfaction). - Support internal key user in defining prompt and offering document templates - Contribute in user acceptance testing (UAT) to ensure the solution meets the requirements. Evaluation: - Measure the success of the AI solution using designed metrics Documentation: - Prepare a final report summarizing the findings and outcomes of the thesis.   Timeline: 6 months   Student Profile   Educational Background: - Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or a related field. - Currently pursuing a Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, or a related field.   Skills and Competencies: - Strong understanding of AI technologies and their applications. - Proficiency in Python programming language. - Experience with AI frameworks, tools and cloud services. - Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills. - Strong communication and documentation skills.  


ADMS & METERING Senior Expert

Italia, Lombardia, Milano - CESI SpA

CESI has got decades of experience in consultancy services on Distribution Systems Planning & Operation, were innovative and modern paradigms like Smart Grids, Smart Metering, Internet of Things are recently contributing, more strongly than elsewhere in Power Systems, to Grid Modernization. In this context CESI consulting offering includes conventional network studies (e.g. losses reduction) and innovative technological services (e.g. SCADA, DMS, ADMS, EDRMS), oriented to introduce advanced methodologies for distribution network planning and operation. All these activities are leveraged on active continuous participation of CESI personnel to the main standardization committees and international working groups, in addition to the daily effort to stay on the functional and technological leading edges.   Team & Location As Advanced Distribution Management & Metering Systems Expert, the candidate will be part of CESI team devoted to Grid Modernization and Innovation that assists the final clients, typically DSOs, in advance network modeling and analysis, functional specification, tendering process support, design review and owner's engineering, FAT and SAT of all the equipment involved in Smart Grid and Smart Metering roadmaps. After a first period of integration and training in CESI Headquarters in Milan, the business activity will require periods of time abroad (one week / ten days per mission) for meetings and on-site activities, both in Factory and at Client premises.   Job Description The candidate will be called to contribute in different phases of ADMS projects devoted to CESI Clients, eventually starting from an initial assessment and gap analysis of the existing Smart Grid and Smart Metering infrastructures, as well as of the applications and platforms operated by the DSOs, passing through conceptual design, detailed functional specification, support to tendering process and overall owner's engineering activity, including detailed design review and participation to FAT and SAT. The candidate will take the responsibility for the organization of the experts allocated to DMS projects, as well as for the coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the activities assuring timely/quality deliveries to the Clients.   What CESI is looking for   Education Level - Master Degree in Electrical/Electronic Engineering or Information Technology or Telecommunication (with high degree score)   Expertise - Distribution Network Planning and Operation - Distribution Management Systems (DMS) - Smart Grids and Smart Metering Standards - Information and Operation Technology - Automation and Control Systems - Grid and Power Station Control   Years of Experience at least 10-15 years   Languages Italian, English Fluency in English is required. The knowledge of other languages will be considered a plus.   What CESI is offering A challenging varied and responsible job in a dynamic and international environment. Naturally, the position is rewarded appropriately, including good fringe benefits.   Job type Permanent position



Italia, Lombardia, Milano - CESI SpA

CESI has been involved for decades in consultancy activities related to RES penetration and Grid Code compliance such as ·       planning/operational studies related to RES penetration and Grid Code harmonization  ·       assessment of technological issue related to RES installation, both on-shore and off-shore ·       solar/wind/BESS resource exploitation and yield and historical data assessment ·       assessment and interpretation of relevant Grid Codes and Grid Connection Standards ·       support to grid operators in developing their own Grid Codes and Compliance Processes ·       provision of Grid Code Compliance Services to project developers. Within this frame, a growing activity is the execution of electrical grid compliance testing activities on generating units and renewables power parks.   Team & Location   The candidate will be inserted in the Consultancy Division of CESI and will be assigned to projects' teams working on Grid Code and Grid Code Compliance Testing. After a first period of integration and familiarization with our methodology and approach in the Headquarters in Milan, the business activity will also require the availability for business travels of few days or weeks both in Italy and abroad either for consultancy activities or for on-site testing activities.   Job Description   The candidate will be in charge of the following tasks ·       Technical review, assessment and interpretation of Grid Connection Codes & Standards and Grid Code Compliance processes ·       Definition of testing procedures for generating units and renewables power parks ·       Specification, planification and execution of compliance tests and measurements on generating units and renewables power parks ·       Analysis of measurements and preparation of testing reports ·       Specifications of new features and functions for generating units to support the evolution of the electricity generation mix and the stability of the power systems ·       Quality of deliveries to our internal and external costumers ·       Support to the evolution of the company business model and to the development of new initiatives   The knowledge and experience on power systems simulation tools (e.g. Matlab Simulink, PSSE, DIgSILENT Power Factory or others) to develop generating units simulation models and to perform grid code compliance simulations will be considered as a plus.   What CESI is looking for   Qualifications ·       M.Sc. or B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering/Power Systems ·       Relevant work experience from System Operators (such as TERNA), power system or wind industry ·       Knowledge about grid connection code requirements ·       Knowledge about electricity generation technologies ·       Knowledge about power system stability, control and analysis ·       Knowledge about electrical simulation SWs like Power Factory, PSS-E  ·       Knowledge about Energy Market in Italy ·       Italian & English language, both written and spoken   Competencies  ·       Highly organized and meticulous ·       Good travel disposition (up to 50% of time) in support of customer needs and overall business goals  ·       Service minded work style, result oriented, able to work both with limited supervision and with an international team ·       Great communication and presentation skills ·       Confident talking with and presenting to external stakeholders (customers, grid operators, conferences)  ·       Able to multitask and prioritize daily work under an ever-growing environment   Languages (fluent) English, Italian The knowledge of other foreign languages will be considered a plus.   Years of Experience: at least 5 years   Job type: Permanent position


GRID STUDIES Senior Expert

Italia, Lombardia, Milano - CESI SpA

CESI has been involved for decades in consultancy services related to power systems planning and operational studies. CESI Principal Consultants are used to perform advanced large scale simulations of electrical transmission systems for various clients, such as transmission providers and system operators, as well as to develop advanced solutions for safe and reliable power system operations. CESI carried out outstanding activities all over the world from Italy to China, Europe, South America, North America and Middle East. CESI skills and experience are worldwide recognized having worked on behalf of the most important Transmission System Operators and International Investors.   Team & Location   In this framework CESI is seeking an experienced, industry-known professional with a proven track record of consulting services delivering leading-edge power system analytics and engineering. As Team Leader / Senior Expert the candidate will be part of our team that works on planning and operational network studies. After a first period of integration and familiarization with our methodology and approach in the Headquarters in Milan, the business activity will also require the availability of periods abroad the duration of which can be in the range from few days to few weeks.   Job Description   The candidate shall have advanced and well proven knowledge of the electrical power system modeling and static/dynamic behavior and shall also be acquainted on the application of the most common software tools for network modeling (e.g. mainly PSSE and DigSilent and their libraries/modules, but also Neplan, Etap or equivalent). He will have to perform simulation and analysis of complex power system steady state and dynamic behavior, develop mathematical models for reliability assessment of electrical networks, and deliver technical consulting/training services. In addition he will have to lead teams of study engineers in execution of consulting projects; provide critical technical guidance to team members. Support will be required also to generate consulting proposals, deliver consulting services and perform project management functions all as per CESI quality standards, creating technical reports documenting study process and results. The candidate shall directly interact with the clients and shall guarantee the excellence of the delivery in full compliance with the technical and economic targets of the project. For the execution of the projects, the candidate will coordinate the activities of junior engineers.   Skills   Extensive knowledge of transmission system planning and system reliability assessment, with experience in transfer capability analysis, optimal power flow analysis, steady state and stability analysis, as well as transmission expansion planning. Demonstrated expertise in development of dynamic simulation models, including models for advanced power systems technologies, such as renewable energy, FACTS and energy storage systems. Expertise in transient and voltage stability analysis, including reactive power planning. Expertise in using PSSE and DigSilent and other products in their libraries/modules, as well as Neplan and Etap tools. Strong communication skills, including strong written English language skills.   What CESI is looking for   Education Level        Master degree in Electrical Engineering   Expertise                      Managerial skills: - Optimization of internal and external resources, - Project coordination and scheduling, - Flexibility to lead consultancy in very different counties, - Capability to interact with the client.                                    Technical skills: - Main methodologies for planning and operational studies (static – e.g. load-flow, reliability, short-circuit, ...; dynamic – e.g. VSA, TSA, DSA, SSSA, ...); - Software tools for network modeling (e.g. PSSE and DigSilent and related libraries/modules, Neplan and Etap or equivalent); - Strong computer programming skills including proficiency in C, FORTRAN, Python and MATLAB; - Experience in power system course instruction.   Languages              English, Italian Fluency in English is required. The knowledge of other foreign languages will be considered a plus, particularly Spanish, French or Arabic.   Years of Experience:            At least 15 years of successful power engineering and/or consulting experience. Proven track record of leadership performance.   What CESI is offering   A challenging, varied and responsible job in a dynamic and international environment. The position is rewarded appropriately.   Job type:                   Permanent position


HVDC Senior Expert

Italia, Lombardia, Milano - CESI SpA

CESI has been involved for decades in consultancy on High Voltage Alternating Current (HVAC) and High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) infrastructures, studying the feasibility of the interconnections, developing technical specifications, providing services of owner's engineering, quality assurance and commissioning. CESI carried out outstanding activities all over the world from Italy to Europe, China, South America, North America, Central Asia and Middle East. CESI skills and experience are worldwide recognized having worked on behalf of the most important Transmission System Operators and International Investors.   Team & Location   As HVDC Senior Expert the candidate will be part of our team that works on the main Power Equipment/Systems of both HVDC Stations. After a first period of integration and familiarization with our methodology and approach in the Headquarters in Milan, the business activity will also require the availability of periods abroad the duration of which can be in the range from few days to few weeks.   Job Description   The candidate shall have good knowledge of the fundamentals of the electrical power system and shall also be acquainted on the application of the most common software tools for network modeling (e.g., PSCAD, ATP, EMTP-RV, PSSE, DigSilent or equivalent). According to the various projects, the candidate will be called to develop different activities. In feasibility stage, he/she shall contribute to the selection of the optimal parameters for the HVDC equipment, to be chosen by means of networks and performance studies. During the specification of a HVDC substations, he/she shall define the station layout, the electro-mechanical arrangement, the main equipment selection (e.g. transformers), as well as the possible filter banks (shunt compensators, smoothing reactor, ...), the ancillary equipment and the control & protection systems. In construction / commissioning phase, he/she follows the factory and site acceptance tests, assuring the quality of the supplied products. The candidate shall directly interact with the clients and shall guarantee the excellence of the delivery in full compliance with the technical and economic targets of the project. For the execution of the projects, the candidate will coordinate the activities of junior engineers.   What CESI is looking for   Education Level - Master degree in Electrical Engineering   Expertise Managerial skills: - Optimization of internal and external resources, - Project coordination and scheduling, - Flexibility to lead consultancy in very different countries, - Capability to interact with the client. - Skill in managing complex and challenging projects   Technical skills: - Main HVDC components (transformers, breakers, disconnectors, filters, bushings, switchgears, smoothing reactors and surge arresters); - Software tools for network modeling (e.g. PSSE, PSCAD, ATP, DigSilent or equivalent); - Applicable standards for Converter Stations.   Languages English, Italian Fluency in English is required. The knowledge of other foreign languages will be considered a plus, particularly Spanish, Arabic or French.   Years of Experience: at least 10 years   What CESI is offering   A challenging, varied and responsible job in a dynamic and international environment. The position is rewarded appropriately.   Job type: Permanent position    


Technical coordinator (Scheduling, Quality and Reporting) KEMA B.V.

KEMA BV a CESI Company
Paesi Bassi, Gelderland, Arnhem - KEMA BV a CESI Company
Industria elettronica/Automazione
Amministrazione/Paghe e contributi

We are seeking a highly organized and detail-oriented Technical Coordinator - Operations Planning and Supervision to join our Inspection and Certification team.   What you will do You will be responsible for overseeing the planning, coordination, and supervision of all operational activities related to inspection and certification services. This role requires leadership skills, excellent communication abilities, and a deep understanding of industry standards and regulations. You will play a critical role in ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of our inspection and certification processes. This includes managing resources and ensuring compliance with quality standards. This means you will have a proven track record in operations management, with the ability to lead a team, manage client relationships, and drive continuous improvement initiatives. Additionally, you should be adept at problem-solving, capable of making informed decisions under pressure, and committed to maintaining the highest levels of service excellence. This position may require occasional travel to client sites.   Key Responsibilities: - Operational Planning: Develop and implement operational plans to ensure efficient and effective delivery of inspection and certification services. - Supervision: Oversee the daily activities of the inspection and certification team, ensuring compliance with company policies and industry regulations. - Resource Management: Allocate resources effectively to meet project deadlines and client requirements. - Quality Assurance: Ensure all inspection and certification processes meet the highest quality standards and in compliance with 17020 and 17065. - Client Relations: Maintain strong relationships with clients, addressing any concerns and ensuring their needs are met. - Reporting: Prepare and present regular reports on operational performance, including key metrics and improvement initiatives. - Training and Development: Provide training and support to team members to enhance their skills and knowledge. - Compliance: Ensure all operations comply with relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards. What you bring ·        Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Engineering, or a related field. ·        Minimum of 5 years of experience in operations management, preferably in the inspection and certification industry. ·        Sufficient knowledge of industrial standards and regulations regarding high voltage components or ability to acquire knowledge. ·        Exceptional organizational and planning abilities. ·        Proficiency in relevant software and tools (word, pdf and excel) - Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and handle multiple tasks simultaneously.   Employment conditions KEMA Labs offers a competitive salary and compensation scheme, good working environment and possibilities for your career development. ·        Permanent contract (after two months' probation period) ·        Salary indication €3500-4000, based on 38 hrs/w ·        30 annual leave days, with the option to buy or sell 10 days ·        Commuting allowance and a fiscal advantage when you have to travel a bit further ·        Smart phone and laptop ·        A training program before you will be assigned to carry the full responsibilities for   About us KEMA Labs is part of the CESI company. CESI is a world-leading technical consulting and engineering company in the field of technology and innovation for the electric power sector. Through its Division KEMA Labs, CESI is the world leader for the independent Testing, Inspection and Certification activities in the electricity industry. With a legacy of more than 60 years of experience, CESI operates in 70 countries around the world and supports its global clients in meeting the energy transition challenges.   KEMA's High-Power Laboratory is the largest independent short-circuit laboratory in the world where short-circuit tests are carried out on equipment for transmission and distribution networks. Global manufacturers and electric utilities are customers who rely on KEMA for development, acceptance tests and certification testing. The tests are conducted in consultation with the customer and in collaboration with a team of employees. The teams operate in day and night shifts. We are looking for an operator who is ready to take a dynamic job with a great deal of responsibility. Our commitment to sustainability is deeply embedded in our organizational values, emphasizing the alignment of growth with core principles such as impartiality, integrity, and environmental stewardship. We prioritize social responsibility by nurturing diverse communities, ensuring safe workplaces, and enhancing customer satisfaction.   Do you want to know more? For more information you can contact Robert Menger (Manager Inspection) at You can mail your resume, and if you wish your motivation letter, to Manel Roelofs at  


Meettechnicus High Voltage Lab (Kema B.V.)

KEMA BV a CESI Company
Paesi Bassi, Gelderland, Arnhem - KEMA BV a CESI Company
Industria elettronica/Automazione

Word jij blij van het werken in ons hoogspanningslab en te werken met elektrotechnische materialen voor hoogspanningsproeven? Dan horen we graag van je!   Over de functie Als Meettechnicus in het High Voltage Lab (HVL) voer je testen uit op het gebied van hoogspanningsapparatuur. Je doet dat samen met de proefleider en je meettechnicus collega's, zowel op locatie bij KEMA als bij de klant zelf (in binnen en buitenland). Voordat je op locatie bij de klant gaat werken (velddienst), zal je eerst ervaring opdoen in ons eigen lab. Bij het uitvoeren van onze werkzaamheden heeft veiligheid onze hoogste prioriteit. ·         Voorbereiding en opbouwen en afbreken van de geplande testopstelling ·         Bedienen van installaties en apparatuur ·         Aanwijzingen en voorschriften toepassen ·         Het verbeteren/aanpassen van testopstellingen/Installaties.   Wat verwachten wij van jou Je beschikt over een mbo-opleiding bij voorkeur elektrotechniek niveau 4. Onze internationale klanten zijn vaak aanwezig tijdens de uitvoering van de testen waardoor kennis van de Engelse taal vereist is. Verder ben je communicatief vaardig, kan je goed samen- en zelfstandig werken.   Wat krijg je er voor terug? ·         Een bruto maandsalaris tot €3.500 gebaseerd op 38 uur per week ·         30 vakantiedagen met de mogelijkheid om 10 vakantiedagen te kopen of verkopen ·         Contract voor onbepaalde tijd ·         Smartphone van de zaak   Over KEMA KEMA Labs is part of the Cesi Group. We are an international company specializing in testing, certification, and verification of products, primarily in the energy and electrical sectors. We offer a wide range of services, including safety tests, performance evaluations, and compliance testing, ensuring that products meet global regulations and standards. We support businesses in developing safe, reliable, and efficient technologies by leveraging advanced testing facilities and our expertise in energy solutions.    Hereby more specific information:  - Testing and Certification: We provide services that ensure products meet international safety, quality, and performance standards.  - Energy and Electrical Solutions: We are known for their expertise in electrical and energy-related testing, which is critical in industries like energy, manufacturing, and technology.  - Global Reach: We operate on a global scale, providing services to clients around the world.  - Industry Experience: We have a long history of working with some of the largest players in the energy and electrical sectors, ensuring that their products meet rigorous international standards.    Do you want to know which other vacancies we have, or you want more information about Kema Labs? Then visit our website now:    Geinteresseerd? Als je meer wil weten over de functie kan je terecht bij Harry Arnoldus (HVL Technicians Manager) via of via 06-15063559.   Je CV kan gestuurd worden naar Manel Roelofs (  


Annunci di lavoro totali:

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