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Trova il tuo lavoro con Cesi Group

Contract Manager (m/w/d) (IPH)

IPH GmbH a CESI Company
Germania, Berlino, Berlin - IPH GmbH a CESI Company
Industria elettronica/Automazione
Customer Service

Contract Manager (m/w/d)     Purpose of the function: Manage any customer contracts belonging to HPL&HVL BUs. Monitor and guide orders directly from receipt of order up to the delivery of the final invoice and testing documents, with particular focus at any variations of agreed services, delays, penalties, claims, and other liabilities. Support the customer in understanding the technical and non-technical constrains and assure the best possible satisfaction of the customer.   General responsibilities: ·        Monitor the execution process of the services procured by the customer to balance the (financial) interests of the company with customer satisfaction. ·        Align the customer in real time about the progress in the testing process and additional costs that may occur. ·        In case of any contract deviations (commercial, time, contract value, claims, liability, and any other contractual aspect), discuss the consequences with the customer in a proactive manner, so expectations can be adjusted early in the process. ·        Be primary point of contact for the client in relation to the technical (with support of the involved operational department) and non-technical aspects of the testing process. ·        Guarantee uniform handling and evaluation at the various locations and in the various BUs of the order management process. ·        Process any order variation in Salesforce and store all related documents.   Qualifications and behaviours ·        Degree in Electrial Engineering ·        Proven track record in the legal aspects of contract management ·        Proficient computer skills including but not limited to Microsoft Office (Word, Excel) ·        Proficient in the English language, both written and verbal ·        Able to keep an overview in multiple projects with multiple clients   Our offer: ·        Interesting and varied field of activity ·        Personal responsibility and creative freedom ·        Attractive remuneration ·        Good opportunities for further development   You are characterised by a high degree of commitment, goal orientation and diligence. You approach new tasks systematically and creatively. You have a solution-oriented and pragmatic way of working and you are able to prioritise. Your sense for efficient and effective solutions helps you to do this. Due to your diplomatic skills, your power of persuasion and your excellent communication skills, it is easy for you to convince your employees and colleagues. Have we aroused your interest? If so, we would be pleased to receive your detailed application including your salary expectations and earliest possible starting date. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Claus Probe vie email or via telephone +49 (0)30 - 54 96 0 - 430


Měřicí technik (m/z/r) (ZKU)

Zkušebnictví AS a CESI Company
Repubblica Ceca, Hlavní Mesto Praha, Prague - Zkušebnictví AS a CESI Company
Industria elettronica/Automazione

CESI Group – KEMA Labs je společnost poskytující zkušební, inspekční a certifikační služby pro výrobce a provozovatele zařízení pro přenos a rozvod elektrické energie od nízkého až po ultra vysoké napětí. Pro naši elektrotechnickou laboratoř v Praze (Zkušebnictví, a.s.) provádějící zkoušky na zařízeních pro přenosovou a distribuční soustavu aktuálně hledáme kolegu/kolegyni na pozici:   Měřicí technik (m/z/r)   Pracovní náplní měřicího technika je: ·                 Obsluhuje a rozvíjí měřící systém výkonové a napěťové laboratoře ·                 Zabezpečuje komplexní měření při zkušebních programech ·                 Připravuje podklady pro zpracování zkušebních protokolů ·                 Obsluhuje videotechniku pro záznam zkoušek – vysokorychlostní kamery; streamování zkoušek; online přenos naměřených dat ·                 Ve spolupráci s metrologem zajišťuje metrologické a kalibrační činnosti ·                 Ve spolupráci se zákazníkem připravuje testovaná zařízení ke zkouškám ·                 Obsluhuje technologická zařízení laboratoře (řídící pult, výkonové a napěťové zdroje apod.)   Požadavky: ·                 Úplné středoškolské nebo vyšší odborné vzdělání elektrotechnického směru ·                 Znalost měřící techniky, popř. elektrických přístrojů a strojů výhodou ·                 Základní znalost anglického jazyka ·                 Vyhláška 50 §5 výhodou, není podmínkou (získáte u nás!) ·                 Vhodné i pro absolventy (zájemce rádi zaškolíme)   Co nabízíme: ·                 Zajímavou a rozmanitou práci v unikátní elektrotechnické laboratoři – jsme jediní v ČR! ·                 Spolupráce v rámci mezinárodní skupiny laboratoří – kooperace se zahraničními kolegy, možnost výměnných pracovních pobytů v našich zahraničních laboratoří (Holandsko, Itálie, Německo, USA) ·                 Možnost rozvoje kariérních dovedností – technické, jazykové, osobnostní ·                 Atraktivní platové ohodnocení a firemní benefity Zaujali jsme Vás a chcete se dozvědět více, kontaktujte nás!  


Elektroniker / Industrieelektroniker (m/w/d) (FGH)

FGH GmbH a CESI Company
Germania, Baden-Württemberg, Mannheim - FGH GmbH a CESI Company
Industria elettronica/Automazione

Die FGH Engineering & Test GmbH, die als Teil der KEMA Labs zur CESI gehört, ist weltweit führend bei unabhängigen Prüf-, Inspektions- und Zertifizierungsaktivitäten in der Elektrizitätswirtschaft. Mit mehr als 90 Jahren Erfahrung ist CESI in 70 Ländern der Welt tätig und unterstützt ihre globalen Kunden bei der Bewältigung der Herausforderungen der Energiewende. CESI bietet auch Dienstleistungen im Bereich Bau- und Umwelttechnik an.     Elektroniker / Industrieelektroniker (m/w/d)     Für unseren Standort in Mannheim such wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine/n Prüffeldmechaniker: in.   Ihre Aufgaben: -       Einstellen und Betreiben der Prüfanlagen einzelner Prüfstände eines Prüffeldes bei der Durchführung von Prüfschichten -       Realisierung von Prüfaufbauten sowie Anschluss und Betreiben des Prüflings einschließlich Kontrollmessungen -       Ausführung grundlegender Mess- und Steuerungsaufgaben bei der Vorbereitung und Durchführung von Prüfschichten -       Ausführung von Arbeiten an den Prüfobjekten nach Kundenvorgaben -       Einfache Wartung und Instandhaltung der Prüffeldmesstechnik -       Kontrolle, Wartung und Instandhaltung aller Anlagenteile und Ausrüstungsteile der Prüfanlage -       Ausführung von Modernisierungs-, Reparatur und Erweiterungsarbeiten an den Prüfanlagen und Ausrüstungen -       Innerbetrieblicher Transport der Prüflinge und der Prüfausrüstung, einschließlich der Bedienung der festgelegten Flurförderzeuge -       Vor- und Nachbereitung der Prüflinge sowie Mitarbeit bei Hilfs- und Nebenprozessen    Ihr Profil: -       Abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung im Bereich Elektronik / Elektrotechnik (z.B. Industrieelektriker, Elektromonteur, Elektroniker, Betriebstechniker, Mechatroniker, oder vergleichbar (m/w/d)) -       Erfahrung im Bereich Hochspannung/Mittelspannung und deren Komponenten sind wünschenswert -       Gute Kommunikationsfähigkeit, Sozialkompetenz sowie Eigeninitiative -       Organisationstalent mit systematischer, analytischer und qualitätsorientierter Arbeitsweise -       Kenntnisse der englischen Sprache -       Kenntnisse in der Anwendung MS-Office-Produkte -       Führerschein Klasse B, C1, CE     Unser Angebot: -       Interessantes und vielfältiges Aufgabengebiet -       Eigenverantwortung und Gestaltungsspielraum -       Attraktive Vergütung -       Gute Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten   Sie zeichnen Sie Sich durch ein hohes Maß an Engagement, Zielorientierung und Fleiß aus. An neue Aufgabenstellungen gehen Sie systematisch und kreativ heran. Sie besitzen eine lösungsorientierte und pragmatische Arbeitsweise und sind in der Lage, priorisieren zu können. Dabei hilft Ihnen Ihr Sinn für effiziente und effektive Lösungswege.   Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt?   Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung inklusive Ihrer Gehaltsvorstellungen und Ihres frühestmöglichen Einstiegstermins senden Sie uns gerne über unser Karriereportal zu.   Für Fragen steht Ihnen Herr Claus Probe unter der Nummer 030 54 96 0 430 oder unter der E-Mail zur Verfügung.


Ingenieur Elektrotechnik HV (m/w/d) (IPH)

IPH GmbH a CESI Company
Germania, Berlino, Berlin - IPH GmbH a CESI Company

Job description Das IPH Institut "Prüffeld für elektrische Hochleistungstechnik" GmbH, das als Prüflabor der KEMA Labs zur CESI gehört, ist weltweit führend bei unabhängigen Prüf-, Inspektions- und Zertifizierungsaktivitäten in der Elektrizitätswirtschaft. Mit mehr als 90 Jahren Erfahrung ist CESI in 70 Ländern der Welt tätig und unterstützt ihre globalen Kunden bei der Bewältigung der Herausforderungen der Energiewende. CESI bietet auch Dienstleistungen im Bereich Bau- und Umwelttechnik an.     Ingenieur Elektrotechnik HV (m/w/d)     Für unseren Standort in Berlin Marzahn suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Termin eine/n Prüfingenieur : in.   Ihre Aufgaben: ·       Vorbereitung, Durchführung und Nachbereitung von normengerechter Prüfungen an Kabelsystemen und Geräten der Mittel- und Hochspannung bei Kunden vor Ort ·       Prüfungen u.a. zum Nachweis der Stehspannungsfestigkeit mit begleitender TE-Messung sowie weiterer Prüfungen nach Kundenspezifikation ·       Ständige Weiterbildung auf den Gebieten der zutreffenden Normen ·       Konzeptionelle Weiterentwicklung der Prüf-, Steuer- und Messtechnik sowie der Prüfverfahren ·       Erstellung und Bearbeitung von Terminabläufen und Grobkalkulationen ·       Entwurf und Konzipierung von Prüfhilfsmitteln sowie Prüf- und Messaufbauten ·       Fachliche und organisatorische Zuarbeit in der Angebotsphase eines Auftrages ·       Technische und organisatorische Abstimmung im Vorfeld und während der Prüfungen ·       Fachliche Kundenbetreuung sowie Erstellung der Prüfdokumentation     Ihr Profil: ·       Abgeschlossenes Bachelor oder Master Studium der Fachrichtung Elektrotechnik / Hochspannungstechnik ·       Bereitschaft zu Dienstreisen insbesondere in Mitteleuropa ·       Sicherer Umgang mit dem MS-Office ·       Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift ·       Gute Kommunikationsfähigkeit, Sozialkompetenz sowie Eigeninitiative ·       Organisationstalent mit systematischer, analytischer und qualitätsorientierter Arbeitsweise ·       Führerschein (Klasse B) ist vorteilhaft         Unser Angebot: ·       Interessantes Aufgabengebiet ·       Eigenverantwortung und Gestaltungsspielraum ·       Attraktive Vergütung ·       Gute Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten     Sie zeichnen Sie Sich durch ein hohes Maß an Engagement, Zielorientierung und Fleiß aus. An neue Aufgabenstellungen gehen Sie systematisch und kreativ heran. Sie besitzen eine lösungsorientierte und pragmatische Arbeitsweise und sind in der Lage, priorisieren zu können. Dabei hilft Ihnen Ihr Sinn für effiziente und effektive Lösungswege. Aufgrund Ihres diplomatischen Geschicks, Ihrer Überzeugungskraft und Ihrer ausgezeichneten kommunikativen Fähigkeiten fällt es Ihnen leicht, Ihre Mitarbeiter und Kollegen zu überzeugen.   Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Gerne senden Sie Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung inklusive Ihrer Gehaltsvorstellungen und Ihres frühestmöglichen Einstiegstermins über unser Karriereportal zu .   Für Fragen steht Ihnen Herr Claus Probe unter der Nummer +49 (0)30 – 54 96 0 – 430 oder unter career.germany zur Verfügung.  


Senior Conultant - Analyst

EnerNex, LLC
Stati Uniti d'America, Tennessee, Knoxville - EnerNex, LLC

Senior Consultant - Analyst     Basic Function/Purpose: Under general direction, performs a wide variety of complex, difficult, and specialized advanced level professional financial, accounting, analytical, and administrative duties in support of the Grid Modernization Consulting Group. Also responsible for operations and program areas including financial analysis, special projects, research studies, budget analysis, contract administration, and other specialized functions; prepares various reports to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of operations; coordinates assigned activities with other departments and divisions; and provides information and assistance to the Grid Modernization Consulting Group regarding assigned programs and services. Minimum Qualifications: Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities: - Working knowledge of the Smart Grid as defined by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and related industry consortia. - Possesses strong leadership skills, and can interface effectively with clients, peers, subordinates and work positively in a team environment. - Fluent knowledge in broad business management functions including strategy, budgeting and resource allocation, coupled with consulting engineering experience. - Ability to effectively manage multiple priorities in a fast paced environment and consistently meet deadlines. - Exhibit both a professional demeanor and presence which instill both employee and client confidence. ·      Problem solving and continuous improvement skills. ·      Effective team player, willing to accept a leadership role, both internally and externally, in collaborating on strategic initiatives and opportunities to drive business growth. - Demonstrated ability to carry out responsibilities of a project lead including strong project management and organizational skills. - Excellent verbal and written communication skills, as well as, presentation skills to effectively communicate with clients, peers, subordinates, and management. - Demonstrated ability to read, comprehend, analyze and interpret energy industry and regulatory reports, filings, orders, journals, periodicals and electronic news services. - Ability to travel out of town on assignments of more than two days in duration. - Advanced principles and procedures of financial record keeping and reporting including public sector budget and accounting processes. - Advanced methods and techniques of statistical and financial analysis, data collection, research, and report preparation. - Understanding of the operational characteristics, services and activities of a utilities program. - Office procedures, methods, and equipment including computers and applicable software applications. - Perform a wide variety of complex, difficult, and specialized advanced journey level professional analytical and administrative duties in support of assigned Smart Grid Engineering programs and functions involving the use of independent judgment and personal initiative. - Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. - Research and analyze complex problems and prepare recommendations on a variety of issues. - Understand the organization and operation of Utilities and outside agencies as necessary to assume assigned responsibilities. - Read financial statements. - Research, analyze and evaluate programs, policies and procedures. - Collect, evaluate and interpret complex information and data through organizational studies and analyses. - Prepare clear and concise administrative and financial reports for varying audiences. - Interpret financial and technical information for a variety of audiences. - Independently prepare correspondence and memoranda. - Operate office equipment including computers and supporting applications. - Adapt to changing technologies and learn functionality of new equipment and systems. - Organize and prioritize work flow. - Establish and maintain effective working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Education - Bachelor's Degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in economics, engineering, finance, accounting, public administration, business administration or a related field. A Master's degree in a related field is desirable. - Demonstrated proficiency in productivity and data analysis software including: Microsoft Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and Word. Knowledge of Microsoft Access and Project a plus. Experience: ·     Five years of increasingly responsible administrative, engineering, analytical and/or accounting experience.  Duties and Responsibilities: ·      Performs a wide variety of complex, difficult, and specialized advanced journey level professional financial, accounting, research, administrative, and analytical duties in support of assigned Grid Modernization Consulting functions, operations, and program areas; performs duties in support of various administrative operations and activities within assigned area of responsibility including financial analysis, analysis of utility billing activities, special projects, research studies, budget analysis, and other specialized functions. ·      Provides a full range of financial information, analysis, and support to the Grid Modernization Consulting group; analyzes and interprets financial reports of revenues, operations, capital projects, and loans; prepares projections used for planning purposes. ·      Administers and coordinates significant and complex functions or projects; participates in the development and implementation of goals, objectives, and priorities for assigned functions or programs; recommends resulting policies and procedures. ·      Prepares and presents complex technical, administrative, and financial analytical and statistical reports that present and interpret data, identify alternatives, and present and justify conclusions, forecasts, and recommendations based on data summaries and other findings. ·      Consults Utilities on budget development and administration for assigned area of responsibility; analyzes proposed capital, operating, and maintenance expenditures; prepares reports and analyses related to impact of budgetary decisions; prepares financial forecasts. ·      Develops financial models for operating the various utilities. ·      Provides assistance in resolving operational and administration issues; identifies issues and conducts research to find alternative solutions; makes and assists in the implementation of recommendations. ·      Coordinates, implements, and monitors special projects within assigned area of responsibility; performs complex research and analysis of new programs, services, policies, and procedures; prepares and presents reports. ·      Plans, coordinates, and evaluates activities associated with assigned contracts; participates in research and evaluation of proposed contractual obligations and agreements; assists in contract negotiations and administration; monitors compliance with applicable contractual agreements. ·      Provides highly responsible assistance to higher-level management staff. ·      Coordinates and collaborates with departments, divisions, and outside agencies; public and private organizations, community groups and other social organizations; provides information and serves as a resource. ·      Attends and participates in professional group meetings; stays abreast of new developments within assigned area of responsibility; maintains awareness of federal, state and local regulations. ·      Performs related duties as required.  


Procurement / HR Support (m/f/d) (ZKU)

Zkušebnictví AS a CESI Company
Repubblica Ceca, Hlavní Mesto Praha, Prague - Zkušebnictví AS a CESI Company
Industria elettronica/Automazione

Procurement / HR Support (m/f/d)  (Limited employment from July 2024 until August 2026)     Your Tasks: ·        Purchasing supplies and services for the locations Berlin, Mannheim and Prague ·        Interface for the local HR service provider in the context of personnel administration for 20 employees and contact person for employees regarding HR topics for Prague location ·        Coordination of needs with the requirements of the internal departments ·        Preparation of national and international tenders, also for other CESI Group locations ·        Negotiating and drafting contracts/framework agreements with suppliers and service providers according to basic specifications ·        Preparing decision papers for the management on placing orders with suppliers and service providers ·        Developing and maintaining master data on suppliers and service providers ·        Supporting and carrying out supplier evaluations according to specifications ·        Monitoring selected segments of the supplier market as defined by the CESI Group ·        Identifying options for improving the total costs of ownership for the CESI Group ·        Support in preparing analyses for the Head of Purchasing     Your Profile: ·        Completion of a university degree, preferably in economics ·        Professional experience in purchasing is an advantage ·        Alternatively: completed commercial training with several years of practical experience in purchasing ·        Professional experience in the field of personnel administration with regard to legal regulations in the Czech Republic is desirable ·        Experience in the testing business is an advantage ·        Very good knowledge of common software applications, especially SAP ·        Organisational talent with a systematic, analytical and quality-oriented way of working ·        Willingness to travel, including abroad ·        Very good knowledge of written and spoken English, good knowledge of Czech, good knowledge of German ·        Willingness and readiness for further training, especially in the area of purchasing   We offer: ·         Interesting and varied field of activity ·         Personal responsibility and creative freedom ·         Attractive remuneration ·         Good opportunities for further development   You are characterised by a high degree of commitment, goal orientation and diligence. You approach new tasks systematically and creatively. You have a solution-oriented and pragmatic way of working and you are able to prioritise. Your sense for efficient and effective solutions helps you to do this. Due to your diplomatic skills, your power of persuasion and your excellent communication skills, it is easy for you to convince your employees and colleagues.  Have we aroused your interest?  If so, we would be pleased to receive your detailed application including your salary expectations and earliest possible starting date.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Claus Probe via email or via telephone +49 (0)30 - 54 96 0 - 430  


Dam Safety Senior Expert - (ISMES SPA)

Azienda confidenziale
Italia, Lombardia, Seriate - Azienda confidenziale
Non specificato
Non specificato

Job descriptionJob descriptionOur Experience One of the Project Centers of CESI Consulting Division include all the previous expertise of the ISMES Company, founded in 1951 as a safety testing facility for hydraulic dams. In over 70 years of activity, the company has become a world-class excellence in the field of Dam Safety. The included services are: structural and seismic safety checks, geological and hydraulic assessments, dam break studies, dam behavior control by measures, mitigation and adaptation projects. CESI experts have a proven experience and skills which guarantee top services with top-of-the-range models and tools, commercial, scientific and as fallout of internal developments. All these activities are leveraged on active continuous participation of CESI Dam Safety personnel to the main scientific and technological committees and international working groups, in addition to the daily effort to stay on the functional and technological leading edges. Team and location As Dam Safety Expert, the candidate will contribute to the CESI team devoted to Dam Safety that assists the final clients, typically dam – concrete, rockfill and earth – concessionaires for hydroelectric, reclamation, and drinking water distribution in: - Safety assessments, - Safety checks by linear and nonlinear dynamic and static numerical models, - Mainly revamping or adaptation design of dams and appurtenant works, After a first period of integration and training, the activity will be carried out mainly in the CESI Office of Seriate. The role could require periods out of the office (Italy and abroad), both on-site and at Client premises, for meetings and operative activities. Job description A well-developed technical standing together with the ability of establishing a deep understanding in the team are key aspects. The candidate will be called to participate in different activities of Dam Safety assessment: - Contribute, through his strong technical background in dam safety, to the team technical achievements and to the upgrade of quality of CESI services; - Provide technical coordination of specialist’s activities within the project, monitoring and evaluating the activities and assuring timely/quality deliveries to the Clients; - Support CESI commercial offering in Italy and abroad. What Cesi is looking for Education Level and Certifications: - Master’s Degree in civil engineering (with high degree score) - Solid and comprehensive technical skills in dam safety encompassing CESI services - Involvement in National or International Dam Safety Committees (plus) - Professional courses and habilitations in Dam Safety (plus) - Registration in the professional register for signing projects (must) Expertise - Safety checks: norms and regulatory issues - Numerical modelling, static and dynamic, concerning earth and concrete dams for structural assessment - Behaviour models of dams by Monitoring data processing - Dam Safety Assessments covering hydrological-hydraulic, geological, structural topics - Design of dams and appurtenant works (mainly revamping or adaptation) Years of Experience: at least 15 years Languages: Italian, English. Fluency in English is required. The knowledge of Spanish will be considered a plus. What Cesi is offering A challenging job in a dynamic and international environment focused in shaping the future of energy. The position is rewarded appropriately.


Senior High Voltage Direct Current Consultant (KEMA B.V.)

KEMA BV a CESI Company
Paesi Bassi, Gelderland, Arnhem - KEMA BV a CESI Company
Industria elettronica/Automazione

About Senior HVDC Consultant According to the various projects, you will be called to develop different activities. In feasibility stage, you shall contribute to the selection of the optimal parameters for the HVDC equipment, to be chosen by means of networks and performance studies. During the specification of a HVDC substations, you shall define the station layout, the electro-mechanical arrangement, the main equipment selection (e.g. transformers), as well as the possible filter banks (shunt compensators, smoothing reactor, ...), the ancillary equipment and the control & protection systems. In construction / commissioning phase, you will follow the factory and site acceptance tests, assuring the quality of the supplied products. You shall directly interact with the clients and shall guarantee the excellence of the delivery in full compliance with the technical and economic targets of the project. For the execution of the projects, you shall coordinate the activities of junior engineers.   You shall have good knowledge of the fundamentals of the electrical power system and shall also be acquainted on the application of the most common software tools for network modeling (e.g., PSCAD, ATP, EMTP-RV, PSSE, DigSilent or equivalent).   Team & Location You will be part of our team that works on the main Power Equipment/Systems of both HVDC Stations. After a first period of integration and familiarization with our methodology and approach in the Headquarters in Milan and our KEMA Consulting office in Arnhem, the business activity will also require the availability of periods abroad the duration of which can be in the range from few days to few weeks. You will work from KEMA Arnhem in the Netherlands.   What you bring: ·        You have good communication skills in Dutch and English (both written and verbally). The knowledge of other foreign languages will be considered a plus, particularly German, or French. ·        A combination of persistence, empathy, and excellent human relations skills for the extensive contact with customers and the method of working. ·        In addition, you must be able to operate independently as well as in a team. ·        An Electrical Engineering degree, preferably with a major in Energy Engineering at BSc or MSc level. ·        5+ years of Experience.   Expertise: ·        Optimization of internal and external resources. ·        Project coordination and scheduling. ·        Flexibility to lead consultancy in very different countries. ·        Skill in managing complex and challenging projects.     Technical skills: ·        Main HVDC components (transformers, breakers, disconnectors, filters, bushings, switchgears, smoothing reactors and surge arresters). ·        Software tools for network modeling (e.g. PSSE, PSCAD, ATP, DigSilent or equivalent, ETAP). ·        Applicable standards for Converter Stations.   What you can expect: We offer a competitive salary and a good working environment and possibilities for your career development. You also have a large degree of flexibility to affect your own working day. Based on 38 hours per week: ·        30 vacation days with the possibility to add or sell 10 vacation days. ·        Non-contributory pension (so you have more net left over). ·        Permanent contract. ·        Smartphone and laptop from the company. ·        Varied job in a dynamic and international environment. ·        Intensive training program.   Who we are KEMA Consulting is part of CESI Consulting. CESI is a world-leading technical consulting and engineering company in the field of technology and innovation for the electric power sector. Through its Divisions KEMA Labs and recently established KEMA Consulting, CESI is the world leader for the independent Testing, Inspection and Certification activities in the electricity industry. With a legacy of more than 60 years of experience, CESI operates in 70 countries around the world and supports its global clients in meeting the energy transition challenges. CESI also provides civil and environmental engineering services.   CESI has been involved for decades in consultancy on High Voltage Alternating Current (HVAC) and High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) infrastructures, studying the feasibility of the interconnections, developing technical specifications, providing services of owner's engineering, quality assurance and commissioning. CESI carried out outstanding activities all over the world from Europe, China, South America, North America, Central Asia, and Middle East. CESI skills and experience are worldwide recognized having worked on behalf of the most important Transmission System Operators and International Investors.   We are a dynamic and innovative company committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions to our clients in the energy sector. We are seeking a talented and motivated HVDC Consultant to join our team.   Do you want to know more? For more information about the position, please contact Floris Schulze, or via 06-15063410.   You can e-mail your resume to Manel Roelofs at


Electrical Test Engineer Test Operations – KEMA Labs - (KEMA Powertest LLC)

Azienda confidenziale
Stati Uniti d'America, Pennsylvania, Chalfont - Azienda confidenziale

Our Experience KEMA Labs, part of CESI company, is the world leader for the independent Testing, Inspection and Certification activities in the electricity industry. With a legacy of more than 90 years of experience, CESI operates in 70 countries around the world and supports its global clients in meeting the energy transition challenges. CESI also provides civil and environmental engineering services. Team and location Under the direction of the Head of High-Power Lab (HPL) Prepare detailed test procedures based on industry standards and/or Customers’ test plans. This position is responsible for assuring the work of Test Operations is performed in a safe, efficient manner and in accordance with all KEMA Labs and industry standards while meeting the KEMA Labs requirements for the Customer. Job description Under the direction of the Head of HPL: - Identify equipment requirements to conduct each test and manage Test Operators, Technicians, and other support personnel to successfully execute Customers’ test programs. - Manage Customer expectations before, during and after the test program evolution. Act as the single point of contact with the Customer representatives during the conduct of the test program at the KEMA Labs – Chalfont facility. - Identify and prepare circuits and procedural sequences including measuring equipment and systems to meet test requirements using industry standards and/or Customer’s test plans. - Assure all requirements of the KEMA Labs – Chalfont HSE and Quality Management programs are strictly adhered to during the test program. - Develop test programs and assure all necessary requirements and conditions stipulated in the approved Quote are incorporated in the test program. - Monitor test program preparation and execution to ensure safety of the personnel and equipment utilized in conducting each test evolution. Provide technical direction to Test Operations personnel as necessary. - Analyze the test results, prepare a comprehensive written Test Report and/or review the test results with the Customer. Assure accuracy of the Test Report and compliance with all applicable industry standards and Customer requirements as described in the Quote, and Test Plans. - Assure that all written Test Reports strictly adhere to all requirements of the KEMA Labs – Chalfont Quality Management programs. - Maintain current working knowledge of applicable ANSI, IEEE, IEC, UL, and other standards for electrical/mechanical equipment. - As necessary, review Customer Quotes for technical requirements, facility adequacy, Test Operations skills requirements and provide information to the Sales Engineer for incorporation in the Quote. Contact the Customer as required, clarifying, or resolving discrepancies, open issues, questions, etc. Assure requirements are incorporated in the final Quote and advise the Head of HPL regarding readiness for approval of the Quote. - Perform the duties of Operators and Technicians as operating conditions warrant. - Assist the Head of HPL to develop new and improved test procedures, operations processes, training curriculum, equipment, and test technologies, etc. - Other duties as assigned by the Head of HPL What Cesi is looking for Required: - Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering - Knowledge of three-phase AC power circuits and circuit elements. Principles and calculations. - Knowledge of DC power circuits and circuit elements. Principles and calculations. - Ability to choose circuit components based on desired current and voltage parameters - Knowledge of working principles of current and voltage measuring equipment - Understanding principles of power generation, transmission, and distribution - Demonstrated customer relationship skills - Demonstrated oral & written communications skills - Strong computer skills including MS Office 365  Desired: - 2 years of experience in high voltage, high power utility scale electrical/mechanical equipment testing - Demonstrated interpersonal communications skills - Ability to work in a team environment - US citizenship   What Cesi is offering This position requires an individual who can adapt to changing situations based on the quantity of work, the demands of customers and management. The position requires an individual who can devote the required amount of time to successfully accomplish the short- and long-term goals of the organization. The position is exempt from overtime; however, evening work and weekend work is to be expected. This position may require shift work (2nd shift) including weekends as necessary. The physical demands described below are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. - Work involves a great deal of standing, using hands to finger, handle, feel or operate objects, tools, or controls and reaching with hands and arms. The employee is occasionally required to walk, talk, hear, sit, climb, balance, stoop, kneel, crouch, crawl, and smell. - Specific vision abilities required by this job include close vision, distance vision, color vision, depth perception and the ability to adjust focus. - The employee must frequently push, pull, lift and/or carry up to 10 pounds and occasionally push, pull, lift and/or carry up to 50 pounds. - The work environment characteristics described below are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. - While performing the duties of this job, the employee occasionally works in outside weather conditions. The employee occasionally works near moving mechanical parts and is occasionally exposed to wet and/or humid conditions. The employee occasionally works in high places and is occasionally exposed to fumes or airborne particles and risk of electrical shock. - The noise level in the work environment can be moderately loud.



Italia, Lombardia, Milano - CESI SpA

Our Experience   CESI has been involved for decades in consultancy services related to power systems planning and operational studies. CESI Principal Consultants are used to perform advanced large scale simulations of electrical transmission systems for various clients, such as transmission providers and system operators, as well as to develop advanced solutions for safe and reliable power system operations. CESI carried out outstanding activities all over the world from Italy to China, Europe, South America, North America and Middle East. CESI skills and experience are worldwide recognized having worked on behalf of the most important Transmission System Operators and International Investors.   Profile: - At least 6 years in Environmental Impact Assessment procedures, Landscape Authorisation, Environmental Impact Assessment for works of state and regional competence in Italy - Preferable experience in projects in the electricity/energy/transport sector - Experience in Environmental and Social Impact Assessment in an international context (World Bank, European Investment Bank, Asian Development Bank) (plus)   Technical skills: - Consolidated knowledge of European, national, and for at least 3 Regions environmental regulations in the field of Environmental Impact Assessment; - Strong team coordination skills with internal staff, external suppliers and the client; - Strong ability to identify the authorisation process to which a project should be submitted; - Strong ability to analyse European, national, regional and local plans and programmes and the Project's consistency with them; - Capacity to organise the work of the team, monitor and respect deadlines, check the quality, coherence and revision of contributions with respect to the input documentation (project deliverables or environmental studies and analyses produced by third parties); - Technical mastery of at least one environmental component and ability to produce the relevant contributions to the technical documentation in terms of characterisation, assessment of pressures, impacts and possible mitigation; - Good command of GIS systems (ArcGIS and/or QGis) for spatial analysis; - Excellent command of the Microsoft Office package (in particular Word, Excel);   Soft skills: - Ability to work in a team - Communication skills - Customer orientation - Resistance to stress - Ability to manage information - Ability to achieve objectives - Ability to meet deadlines   Qualification: - Master's degree in Environmental and Land Engineering - Professional membership (plus)   Language skills: Italian, English; Spanish (plus)


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